CORSA > Agua para beber > Landing Osmotic


Si lo que buscas es el mejor equipo de osmosis inversa del mercado, felicidades, lo has encontrado. Se llama Osmotic y puedes tenerlo en tu cocina por menos de lo que piensas.
Con él podrás beber o cocinar con agua filtrada, ultrapura, deliciosa, equilibrada, alcalina y, lo mejor, sin plásticos.

Si no quieres enamorarte de él, deja de leer.

El único que no desperdicia agua.

Nadie te lo dirá, pero ab-so-lu-ta-men-te todas las osmosis tiran litros de agua por el desagüe durante el filtrado

Sí, amiga, una lástima. Pero es que Osmotic no es como las demás. Hemos desarrollado una tecnología que también aprovecha el agua rechazada durante el filtrado. ¿Cómo se te queda el cuerpo?

Espera, que hay más.

¿Y qué tal es el agua que produce?

  • Sabor increíble.

    Piensa en la marca de agua que más te gusta. Sabe mejor, palabra.

  • Cero olores.

    No huele mal porque, entre muchísimas cosas, no tiene cloro.

  • Mineralización débil.

    Es de mineralización débil y alcalina. Y eso, le encanta a tu cuerpo.

  • Agua sin químicos.

    Porque filtra todo todito lo malo del agua.

  • Ideal para bebés.

    Está especialmente indicada para bebés lactantes.

  • Y para siempre.

    Porque Osmotic dura toda la vida. Real.

Osmotic consigue eliminar todas estas sustancias del agua.

100% Cloro 98% Detergentes 98% Herbicidas 98% Insecticidas 100% Microplásticos 95% Nitratos 100% Bacterias 98% Pesticidas 98% Sulfatos 99% Turbidez 98% Calcio 93% Fluoruros 96% Arsénico 98% Mercurio 96% Selenio 99% Aluminio 92% Amoníaco 99% Níquel 98% Cromo 99% Cobre 92% Cianuro 98% Disolventes 98% Plomo 98% Radioactividad 98% Sulfídricos 99% Trialometano 99% Fosfatos 99% Manganeso 98% Plata 95% Sodio 99% Hierro 98% Magnesio 90% Potasio 90% Silicato

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tiene Osmotic y mira qué contento está.


Si compras agua, tiras
el dinero.

Con nuestro sistema de filtración de
agua, no. ¿No te lo crees?

How many people live in your house?

Each year you spend 990€ on bottled water.

And next year too, and the following one, and the following one...

sobre la Osmosis.

  • What is a water filter?

    A water filter is anything, of any size and any technology, which holds back undesired substances present in the water.

  • How many types of water filter are?

    Many. But not all of them filter the same particles, nor with the same level of safety, and nor do they provide the water your body needs.

    • Active carbon. Effective for eliminating chlorine, which is responsible for unpleasant smells and tastes. Not much more. It’s as simple as it is economical. But if you’re not going to do the cleaning and maintenance properly, it’s better to drink from the tap.
    • Reverse osmosis. This includes active carbon, among other things. This is effective for eliminating ABSOLUTELY everything other than H2O from the water. These always include postfilters which add the minerals our body needs back into the filtered water.
  • Are all osmosis systems the same?

    Of course not.
    Not all membranes filter equally well.
    Not all osmosis systems add the same types of minerals, or in the same amounts, into the water.
    Not all of them disinfect the water.
    Not all have the same safety systems.
    Not all of them last as long.
    Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

  • How many types of osmosis are there?

    • Unpressurised osmosis. The filtered water is deposited in a tank you can access. These are the fastest, most modern and safest units, and are therefore the best quality.
    • Pressurised osmosis. The filtered water is deposited in a hermetically sealed tank: this makes them less secure and they also reject the most water (per litre of filtered water).
    • Direct osmosis. As these have no tank, the filtered water comes out of the tap directly. They are slower and more expensive to maintain, as the parts do not last long.
  • How much maintenance does an osmosis system need?

    To have perfect water, once per year. If you buy the parts, you can change them yourself, which is simple. You can also engage a maintenance service so you won’t have to worry about anything, for 186€ per annum.

  • Do our products pollute?

    No, that is the point. Our osmosis, softening and ozonation systems are devised to eliminate the daily consumption of plastics, detergents and chemicals which do befoul and pollute the environment.

    Also, the majority of cartridges can be recycled in the yellow container (plastic).


que no cuesta nada.

Es gratis, vamos.

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